- Embedded software at Oxide Computer Company
- Open-source developer
- Independent graphics researcher
- Occasional consultant
- Senior electrical engineer & tech lead at Formlabs
- Grad student at MIT's Center for Bits & Atoms
- Intern at Microstrain
- Undergrad at Harvey Mudd College
- PDF (updated 5/2024)
- Systems engineering (broadly)
- Embedded systems and sensor networks
- Design tools and representations
- Rapid prototyping and fabrication
- Personal-scale manufacturing
- Robotics and autonomous systems
- Building a Slideclock (Sparkfun)
- Fab Boombox snaps together for under $100 (Gizmag)
- Accelerometer Poi (Hackaday)
- Bumpy, The Beautiful DIY MP3 Player (Hackaday)
- Otherwordly CAD software hails from a parallel universe (Hackaday)
- Hacked 3D printers repurposed for real-laser Spacewar (3ders)
I have also been on several episodes of the Oxide & Friends podcast:
- Crucible: The Oxide Storage Service
- The Network Behind the Network
- More Tales from the Bringup Lab
- The Power of Proto Boards!
Send me an email and say hi! Don't be shy: if you're considering emailing me, then I probably want to hear from you, and I will almost certainly reply.
There are two exceptions:
If you need help with any of the open-source projects that I maintain, please open an issue in the relevant repository. Replying to emails privately helps a single person; if I'm spending time answering questions that others may have, I'd rather do it in public.
I can't offer any support for Formlab products, having not worked there in several years. This is particularly true for OpenFL; please contact Formlabs customer support or start a discussion on their forums. I will not help you hack / reverse engineer your printer.